Cipla Foundation - IISER Pune Centre for Chemistry Education and Research was set-up with generous funding from the Cipla Foundation. The centre was inaugurated on January 29, 2020 by Dr. Yusuf K. Hamied, Non-Executive Chairman, Cipla Ltd. As stated by Dr. Hamied during the ceremony, this collaboration between IISER Pune and Cipla foundation aims to collectively contribute to social and moral welfare of our society. The Centre will work to promote experimental learning in chemistry and allied sciences. To this end, it houses laboratories along with an in-class demonstration facility and provides space for outreach activities such as teacher and student training. The Centre will also serve as a platform for developing industry-academia interactions.
Providing opportunities of hands-on training and active learning is critical in chemical education. Keeping this in mind, the centre is provided with a chemistry laboratory, a computer laboratory and a lecture-demonstration room. Equipped with state of the art equipment and instruments, the chemistry laboratory hosts multiple hands-on chemistry training workshops for students and teachers at school and undergraduate level. The computer laboratory is used to conduct hands-on workshops on themes like computational chemistry, scientific illustrations, computational thinking and so on. The demonstration room provides a well designed space to conduct lecture demonstrations on popular science topics, aiming to inculcate interest and excitement for sciences in young minds.
The Centre collaborates with various organisations and funding agencies. Since inception, we have implemented projects with several organisations such as Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Royal Society India Foundation (RCIF), National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), India Art Foundation, and Department of Science and Technology (DST)