View of the lobby of IISER Pune Main Building with silhouettes of people

Support us

We invite contributions from corporates and individuals alike; every rupee counts for us. You can make your contributions to IISER Pune through electronic funds transfer.

Individual Contributions

The donations received from individuals are liable for tax rebate under section 80G.

Corporate contributions

IISER Pune is registered under section 12A of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Donations qualify for deduction under section 80 G (5)(vi) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Institute is also approved under section 35(1)(ii) of Income Tax Act 1961 to receive funds to be utilised for scientific research.

In-Kind Contributions

  • Equipment and facilities: Donate the equipment OR build the infrastructure required to support our research and academics.
  • Pro-bono services: Your expertise is of immense value to  our ever-evolving world of scientific research
  • Mentor our students: Mentor the students for advances in the world of science and technology and make them ready for real-life challenges.