Department of


The Mathematics Department of IISER Pune includes strong research groups in all the core areas including Algebra, Analysis, Applied Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Geometry-Topology and Number Theory.

We have about 25 faculty members, 15 postdoctoral fellows, and 50 PhD and Integrated PhD scholars as of 2021. We have on average 15-20 BS-MS students who opt to do their master thesis in Mathematics. We are in the process of starting an MSc programme in Mathematics around August 2022.

Two annual events have been a defining feature of the Math department at IISER Pune: the Math Symposim and the Math Day celebrations in March each year. The image seen in the banner above is a mural created by our own members in one such initiative.  Created in 2015, this mural now adorns the Lounge room in the Math department. The artists included Vishrutha, Tanushree Shah, Devika Varma, Aswathi, Shreeya Behera and Tejas Kalelkar. More