Equipment with multiple small components and showing light path

IISER Pune has state-of-the-art research infrastructure to carry out work in various areas of science. The available facilities are rapidly expanding as the institute grows.

Catering to various branches of study, some of our research facilities are designated national facilities.  

National Facility for Gene Function in Health and Disease (NFGFHD) is a state-of-art animal house facility established at IISER Pune in 2016, with funding from Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India. 

IISER Pune hosts National Supercomputing Mission facility, PARAM Brahma, deployed by C-DAC at the institute through the Government of India's National Supercomputing Mission. PARAM Brahma is currently with CPU and GPU compute aggregate of 1.7 PF (petaflops) with high performance parallel file system based storage of 1 PB (petabytes).  

In addition, the institute hosts multiple data centres for high performance computing and parallel file system based storage aggregating to 400 TF (teraflops) and 700 TB (terabytes). 

Together, these computing facilities  support research in the areas of computational biology, particle physics, astrophysics, computation chemistry, materials modeling, molecular dynamics, nanoparticles, cryptography, seismology, climate science, etc. 

Experimental research facilities are distributed across the institute and set up at the research departments. 

Follow the links below to know more about the experimental research (and teaching) facilities currently available at IISER Pune.

Department of Biology

Department of Chemistry

Department of Physics