The top portion of the campus entrance gate showing IISER Pune logo

National Science Day 2023

IISER Pune campus

We welcome all to join us in celebrating the 2023 National Science Day on February 28, 2023 at IISER Pune campus! 

This will be an eclectic whole day event open to all. The event and activities are designed for students of class 5th and onwards. We have a lecture series starting with 2023’s conferred Padma Bhushan awardee Prof. Deepak Dhar, live demonstration of science projects, models, daytime astronomy, water classroom exhibition and many more things to explore on our campus! 

Registration Link: 

Venue:  Different locations on IISER Pune campus


Inaugural and Opening remarks at New Lecture Hall (NLH) 

10:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Prof. Kundan Sengupta (Professor and Associate Dean International Relation and Outreach, IISER Pune) and by Vikrant Gandhe (Company Secretary and CSR Head, TATA Technologies) 

Let’s Meet the Scientists at New Lecture Hall (NLH) 

10:45 AM to 11:30 AM
River Networks – Prof. Deepak Dhar (2023’s conferred Padma Bhushan Awardee and Distinguished Professor Emeritus and NASI-Senior Scientist)

11:45 AM to 12:15 PM
Fun with Inverse Problems -  Aileni Mahesh (Ph.D student, IISER Pune)

12:30 PM to 1: 15 PM
What do we learn from the Nature? – Dr. Arvind Natu (Chairman Board of Governors, IISER Kolkata and Thiruvananthapuram) 

1:30 PM to 2:00 PM
“Is microwave-cooked food safe?” Busting kitchen myths with science! – Dr. Neeraja Dashputre (Principal Technical officer – Education, IISER Pune) 

2:15 PM to 2: 45 PM
चमत्कारामागील विज्ञान व वैज्ञानिक दृष्टीकोन सप्रयोग व्याख्यान – मिलिंद देशमुख (महाराष्ट्र अंधश्रद्धा निर्मूलन समिती) 

The Science behind miracles and scientific approach through experiments – Milind Deshmukh (Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti)

3:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Enigmatic Entropy – Prof. Arnab Mukherjee (Professor of Chemistry and Data Science, IISER Pune)

4: 00 PM to 4: 30 PM
Millets: A small grain to confront big challenges – Dr. Amrita Hazra (Associate Professor of Chemistry, IISER Pune) (The year 2023 has been declared by the United Nations as the International Year of Millets)

All-Day Events

10:45 AM to 5:00 PM
Venue: MDP – Night Canteen Area

  • Student’s Projects  
    Demonstration of Science Models curated by School Children and Teachers - Shortlisted participant’s Projects demonstration
  • Exhibition - Water Classrooms 
    'Ripples - Reimagining Learning on Water' 
    By the Living Waters Museum, CWR, IISER Pune, CEE(Pune) and TESF India (IIHS, Bangalore)
  • Activities designed by Smt. Indrani Balan Science Activity Center (SAC)
    New activities for hands-on teaching and learning

10:45 AM to 4:00 PM
Venue: Amphitheatre

  • Day time Astronomy
    Aakashganga Astro Club, IISER Pune 

Hybrid Events

4:45 PM to 5:45 PM
Venue: Online

Science Quiz
Science Quiz (with attractive prizes) – Secrets of the Universe - Dr. Ashish Arora (Faculty in Physics, IISER Pune) and India’s Science Theatre team

5:30 PM to 7:15 PM 
Venue: In-Person at Room 103, Lecture Hall Complex and YouTube Live

  • Screening of the award-winning documentary 'The Trials and Triumphs of G N Ramachandran'
  • Launch of the G N Ramachandran Digital Museum (This is an in-person and online event)