Sujit K. Ghosh
Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry
Sujit K. Ghosh obtained his PhD (Supervisor: Prof. Parimal K. Bharadwaj) from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2006. He then spent three years at Kyoto University (Japan) as a JSPS and CREST postdoctoral fellow (Host: Prof. Susumu Kitagawa) before joining at IISER Pune in 2009.
Dr. Sujit Ghosh's research group is mainly working on development and functional studies of various advanced porous materials like Metal-organic Frameworks (MOFs), Metal-organic Polyhedra (MOPs), Porous organic polymers (POPs), Hydrogen-bonded Organic Frameworks (HOFs), Nano-composites of porous materials etc. for chemical industry, energy and environmental applications. They seek to correlate structural features with physical properties and to design synthetic strategies to prepare functional materials and to tune their structures and properties. The group uses synthetic methods from both inorganic and organic chemistry to prepare novel types of material and then use a wide variety of techniques to study their structure and properties. Using suitable organic ligands (predesigned by organic synthetic methods or commercially available ligands), they synthesise new self-assembled materials. Once the structure of new compound is determined by X-ray single crystal diffraction, the obtained bulk materials are characterized by different physical techniques that include powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA), elemental analysis, vibrational spectroscopy (IR), sorption, etc. The synthesized materials are used for functional studies related to industrially relevant chemical separations, ion-exchange, pollutant sensing and capture for water remediation etc.
Sharma, S. Mukherjee, S. Desai, A. V. Vandichel, M. Dam, G. K. Jadhav, A. Kociok-Köhn, G. Zaworotko, M. J. and Ghosh, S. K. 2021. Efficient capture of trace acetylene by an ultramicroporous Metal–Organic Framework with purine binding sites. Chem. Mater., 14, 5800–5808.
Mollick, S. Fajal, S. Saurabh, S. Mahato, D. and Ghosh, S. K. 2020. Nanotrap grafted anion exchangeable hybrid materials for efficient removal of toxic oxoanions from water. ACS Cent. Sci., 9, 1534–1541.
Sharma, S. Desai, A. V. Joarder, B. and Ghosh, S. K. 2020. A water-stable ionic MOF for the selective capture of toxic oxoanions of SeVI and AsV and crystallographic insight into the ion- exchange mechanism. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 59, 7788-7792.
Mollick, S. Mukherjee, S. Kim, D. Qiao, Z. Desai, A. V. Saha, R. More, Y. D. Jiang, J. Lah M. S. and Ghosh, S. K. 2019. Hydrophobic shielding of outer surface: Enhancing the chemical stability of Metal–Organic Polyhedra. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 58, 1041–1045.
Mollick, S. Mandal, T. N. Jana, A. Fajal, S. and Ghosh, S. K. 2019. Hybrid blue perovskite@metal-organic gel (MOG) nanocomposite: simultaneous improvement of luminescence property and stability. Chem. Sci., 10, 10524–10530.
Samanta, P. Chandra, P. Dutta, S. Desai, A. V. and Ghosh, S. K. 2018. Chemically stable ionic viologen-organic network: An efficient scavenger of toxic oxo-anions from water. Chem. Sci., 9, 7874–7881.
Karmakar, A. Illathvalappil, R. Anothumakkool, B. Sen, A. Samanta, P. Desai, A. V. Kurungot, S. and Ghosh, S. K. 2016. Hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks: A new class of porous crystalline proton conducting materials. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55, 10667-10671.
Desai, A. V. Manna, B. Karmakar, A. Sahu, A. and Ghosh, S. K. 2016. A water stable cationic Metal-Organic Framework as dual adsorbent of oxo-anion pollutants. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 7811-7815.
Nagarkar, S. S. Joarder, B. Chaudhari, A. K. Mukherjee, S. and Ghosh, S. K. 2013. Highly selective detection of nitro-explosive by a luminescent Metal-Organic Framework. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 2881-2885.
Manna, B. Chaudhari, A. K. Joarder, B. Karmakar, A. and Ghosh, S. K. 2013. Dynamic structural behavior and anion-responsive tunable luminescence of a flexible cationic Metal-Organic Framework. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 998-1002.