What we do
Videos unveiling magnificent scientific discoveries and researchers’ journeys
Research Communications
Conveying scientific literature in a lucid manner
Educational Videos
MOOC videos and lecture recordings as educational media
Videos elaborating scientific concepts
Live Streams
Broadcasting exciting scientific events online
Animations and Illustrations
Visualizing and communicating scientific concepts
Partnering with several organizations, the SMC aims to build a strong and competitive presence as a science communication practitioner and foster an engaged and diverse community through collaborative Workshops and Webinars.
National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC), Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
Starting in 2019, we have conducted a series of workshops and webinars on Science Communication with the support of NCSTC.
Vigyan Prasar
A workshop on Writing Science was conducted in collaboration with Vigyan Prasar in 2019. It included lectures, presentations, discussions, role-play, demonstrations, hands-on practice, feedback, mentoring and highly interactive sessions.
National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)
The SMC is involved in video recording and editing of lectures for courses and workshops offered by IISER Pune faculty members under the NPTEL programme.
NPTEL-SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds)
The SMC plays a crucial role in the video content creation for higher education faculty members for courses offered under the Ministry of Education’s SWAYM programme.
Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) Pune
Partnering with IUCAA Pune, SMC organized a 5-day online workshop for LIGO-INDIA in 2020. It provided training on science communication & soft skills to create a pool of volunteers, who will help the LIGO-India team communicate Gravitational Wave (GW) Science to the public.
India BioScience
A 5-day workshop was organized in collaboration with IndiaBioscience on Writing about Science for Non-Scientific Audiences
Science Communication Unit, University of West England, Bristol
In December 2022, SMC and the Science Communication Unit of West England university, Bristol, won the British Council Global Partnership Grant. This is to co-develop a course in science communication. The industry partners on this project include Springer Nature, The Association of British Science Writers, and the Science Journalists Association of India. This project titled ‘Internationalising Higher Education in Science Journalism and Science Communication' is co-led by Dr. Shalini Sharma.
Marathi Vidnyan Parishad
In March 2020, SMC collaborated with the Marathi Vidnyan Parishad, Mumbai to conduct a 7-day workshop on science communication in Marathi. A panel discussion on ‘Bridging the gap between scientists and the public’ was also a part of this workshop. The panellists comprised Scientists from IISER Pune, Editors, and journalists from the Sakal Newspaper and Marathi science communicators.
Raman Research Institute (RRI)
This was a project on producing theme-based research videos for the Raman Research Institute in 2021. Interviews of the Faculty, staff, and students at RRI for the videos were recorded by SMC team members on the RRI campus. These videos were later scripted and edited at SMC.
Science Activity Centre
Over 100 science activity-based, lesson plan videos were scripted, recorded, and produced as a part of the TATA Technologies project. This project was from 2019-2021 in collaboration with the IISER Pune Science Activity Centre and a team of reviewers from the Engagement and Outreach section.
Agharkar Research Institute
Video-photo documentation of institutional events under the National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) IN 2023.
Testimonials [Paraphrased]
On an institutional level, SMC is useful in connecting scientists, science journalists and the community of people who want to learn science. The institutional mechanism of having a Media Centre in a research and teaching institute is very good
- Dinesh Sharma (Managing Editor, India Science Wire)
Vigyan Prasar and SMC IISER Pune have been collaborating in conducting workshops for more than four years. People trained under SMC’s workshops have continued to work in areas where communication of science is taking place
- T V Venkateswaran (Science Communicator, Vigyan Prasar)