The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune is a premier institute dedicated to research and teaching in the basic sciences. It was established in 2006 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (renamed Ministry of Education in August 2020). In 2012, IISER Pune was declared as an Institute of National Importance by an Act of Parliament.
IISER Pune promotes interdisciplinary research in the field of Biology, Chemistry, Data Science, Earth and Climate Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, and Science Education.
The Institute welcomes applications from outstanding researchers (in the mentioned format) for the positions of “Fellows” supported through the DBT-Wellcome Trust / DBT-Ramalingaswami / DST-Ramanujan / DST-Inspire Fellowship Schemes.
While the Institute will purely act as a Host, the selection and eligibility criteria for availing these fellowship schemes are governed by the terms and conditions and other specific guidelines of the respective funding agencies. IISER Pune shall have no role in the selection of the applicant by the respective funding agencies for any of these fellowship schemes.
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Rolling Advertisement for the positions of “Fellows” supported through DBT-Wellcome Trust / DBT-Ramalingaswami / DST-Ramanujan / DST-INSPIRE Fellowship Schemes.
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