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Department of

Photo of Sreejith G. J.

Sreejith G. J.

Associate Professor


Theoretical condensed matter physics - strongly correlated systems, quantum Hall effects, frustrated systems


Sreejith obtained his PhD in theoretical and computational study of fractional quantum Hall effects in 2012 from Penn State, USA. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (NORDITA, Sweden) from 2012 to 2014 and at the Max Planck Institute for Complex Systems (MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany) from 2014 to 2016 before joining IISER Pune in January 2017.


Condensed matter physics

Dr. Sreejit G.J. is a condensed matter theorist working on strongly correlated quantum many body systems and statistical mechanics focusing on questions in the contexts of fractional quantum Hall effect and simple spin systems. He mostly uses computational and semi-analytical approaches and is interested in design of algorithms to aid the study of interacting many body systems.

Selected Publications

Simrandeep Kaur, Tanima Chanda, Kazi Rafsanjani Amin, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Unmesh Ghorai, Yuval Gefen, G J Sreejith, Aveek Bid (2024). Universality of Anderson Localization transitions in the integer and fractional Quantum Hall regime. Nature Communications volume 15, 8535.

G. J. Sreejith, Jay D. Sau, Sankar Das Sarma (2024). Eliashberg theory for bilayer exciton condensation. Physical Review Letters 133, 056501.

Mytraya Gattu, G J Sreejith, J K Jain (2024). STM in the fractional quantum Hall effect: Spectroscopy of composite-fermion bound states. Physical Review B Letters 109, L201123.

Sandipan Manna, G J Sreejith (2023). Thermal Drude weight in an integrable chiral clock model. Physical Review B 108, 054304.

Abhishek Anand, Rushikesh Anil Patil, Ajit Coimbatore Balram, G J Sreejith (20222). Real space entanglement spectra of parton states. Physical Review B 106, 085136.

Bhupen Dabholkar, G J Sreejith, Fabien Alet (2022). Re-entrance effect in the high-temperature critical phase of the quantum dimer model on the square lattice. Physical Review B 106, 205121.

T Maiti, P Agarwal, S Purkait, G J Sreejith, S Das, G Biasiol, L Sorba, B Karmakar (2020). Magnetic field dependent equilibration of fractional quantum Hall edge modes. Physical Review Letters 125, 076802.

G J Sreejith, Stephen Powell, Adam Nahum (2019). Emergent SO(5) symmetry at the columnar ordering transition in the classical cubic dimer model. Physical Review Letters 122, 080601.

Soham Pal, Naveen Nishad, T S Mahesh, G J Sreejith (2018). Temporal order in periodically driven spins in star-shaped clusters. Physical Review Letters 120, 180602.