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On IPCC Report and climate action

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Dr. Bejoy Thomas from the Humanities and Social Sciences department was a contributing author to Chapter 18 of IPCC AR6 WG2 report titled "Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability". Some of the past and ongoing research by Dr. Thomas pertains to the topic of climate resilient development pathways which was the subject of the chapter.

Related discussions appeared in these articles in the media:

Mongabay | April 12, 2022
Misinformation leads to misperception, polarisation causing delay in climate action: IPCC report

The Wire | April 8, 2022
India is working hard to fight climate change – But is it working right?

Outlook India | June 5, 2022
Doom and gloom: Climate change poses growing threats to India's poor

In this Wire article Dr. Bejoy Thomas shared his views on climate change policies in the context of the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report titled Climate Change 2023, released by on March 20, 2023. 

The Wire | March 20, 2023
New IPCC report lists numerous low-cost options to tackle climate change