Shreyas Managave
Associate Professor
Earth and Climate Science
Stable Isotope Geology
Associate Professor
Earth and Climate Science
Stable Isotope Geology
Shreyas obtained his PhD in 2009 from Physical Research Laboratory / M S University of Baroda in Geology. He carried out his postdoctoral work at Brown University, USA (2014-2015). Before joining IISER Pune, he was associated with the Department of Earth Sciences at Pondicherry University (Assistant Professor, 2010-2017).
Major thrust of Dr. Shreyas’s research is on quantifying the past climate variability over different time scales. He uses the stable isotopic composition of tree-ring to reconstruct high resolution rainfall variability. Notable outcome of this work include establishing utility of sub-annual resolution isotope dendroclimatological investigations in deciphering past breaks-monsoons over central India and in reconstructing past rainfall associated with the southwest and northeast monsoon over southern India. Oxygen isotopic investigations of the trees from the western Himalaya revealed influence of the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age. It further demonstrated that the Karakoram Anomaly observed in the glacier mass balance rates in High Mountain Asia is the result of natural climate variability. Organic and stable isotope studies carried out by him on the peat bogs from the Nilgiris showed the Holocene aridification with higher rainfall around 3ka. His current research interest involves characterization of sensitivities of proxies to rainfall and develop quantitative understanding of proxy-response to rainfall. In addition, Shreyas is also involved in understanding the dynamics of the soil carbon under different climatic conditions.
Managave S.R., Shimla P., Ram R. Yadav, R. Ramesh, S. Balakrishnan (2020). Contrasting centennial-scale climate variability in High Mountain Asia revealed by a tree-ring oxygen isotope record from Lahaul-Spiti, Geophysical Research Letters 47: e2019GL086170.
Managave S. R., Jani R. A., Rao T.N., Sunikumar K., Satheeshkumar S and Ramesh R. (2016). Intra-event isotope and raindrop size data of tropical rain reveal effects concealed by event averaged data. Climate Dynamics 47: 981-987.
Managave S. R. (2014). Model evaluation of the coherence of a common source water oxygen isotopic signal recorded by tree-ring cellulose and speleothem calcite. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 15(4): 905-922.
Managave S.R., Sheshshayee M. S., Bhattacharyya A. and Ramesh R. (2011). Intra-annual variations of cellulose d18O of teak from Kerala, India: implications to reconstruction of past summer and winter monsoon rains. Climate Dynamics 37: 555-567.
Managave S.R., Sheshshayee M.S., Borgaonkar H.P. and Ramesh R. (2010). Past break-monsoon conditions detectable by high resolution intra-annual d18O analysis of teak rings. Geophysical Research Letters, 37: L05702, doi:10.1029/2009GL041172.