Ajay Kumar
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor and Deputy Chair, Earth and Climate Science
Himalayan glaciers
Assistant Professor
Theoretical and computational seismology, seismic tomography, seismic interferometry, inverse theory
Professor and Associate Dean (International Relations and Outreach)
Paleobiology and Marine Ecology
Associate Professor and Chair, Earth and Climate Science
Weathering and Erosion; Re-Os geochronology
Assistant Professor
Geophysical Fluid dynamics, Climate Modelling, Extremes in the Climate System
Assistant Professor
Seismic structural interpretation, gravity and magnetic modelling, crustal studies and basin modelling
Associate Professor
Climate dynamics, Tropical variability, Monsoons, numerical weather prediction, predictability.
Assistant Professor
Forward and Inverse Modelling of Geophysical data
Associate Professor
Stable Isotope Geology
Assistant Professor
Marine Geosciences, seismic stratigraphy, gas hydrates
Associate Professor
Earth Science