Amit Hogadi
Algebraic geometry
Algebraic geometry
Associate Professor
Stochastic Control, Mathematical Finance, Machine learning model of derivative pricing
Associate Professor
Shape Optimization Problems
Associate Professor
Controlled diffusion, queuing theory, large deviation theory
Professor and Deputy Chair, Mathematics
Linear algebraic groups, Lie algebra, central simple algebras and quadratic forms
Assistant Professor
Public key cryptography, finite group theory
Associate Professor
Number Theory
Associate Professor
Representation theory, Analysis & Geometry of locally symmetric spaces, Number Theory
Associate Professor
Automorphic forms, Galois representations, Langlands program, Arithmetic geometry
Associate Professor
Several Complex Variables
Assistant Professor
Harmonic Analysis and Nonlinear Dispersive Equations
Assistant Professor
Functional Analysis, Operator Theory
Associate Professor
Analytic number theory, Arithmetic of modular forms
Associate Professor
Algebraic Geometric Coding theory
Complex Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry
Associate Professor
Representation theory of p-adic groups, Langlands Program
Assistant Professor
Combinatorics, probability, stochastic processes, statistics
Associate Professor
Elliptic PDE, nonlinear analysis, variational methods
Associate Professor
Knot theory, low dimensional topology, real algebraic geometry
Professor and Chair, Mathematics
Combinatorics,cryptography, algorithms, statistical designs, software testing
Representation Theory
Associate Professor
Number Theory
Associate Professor
Low dimensional Topology
Associate Professor
Algebraic Geometry