Anjan Banerjee
Professor, Dean (Research and Development), and Rahul Bajaj Chair Professor
Plant developmental biology, Micro RNA (miRNA) and gene regulation, Long distance signalling and plant-pathogen interaction
Professor, Dean (Research and Development), and Rahul Bajaj Chair Professor
Plant developmental biology, Micro RNA (miRNA) and gene regulation, Long distance signalling and plant-pathogen interaction
Self-organization and cell morphogenesis
Assistant Professor
Information processing by neuronal networks
Associate Professor and Deputy Chair, Biology
Plant physiology, physiological ecology and evolutionary ecology
Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Curriculum and Scheduling)
Structural Biology of Cytoskeletal Systems
Professor and Dean (Academics)
Gene regulation, innate immunity, embryonic development, drosophilia
Study of protein folding, unfolding and aggregation using tools of protein engineering and physical biochemistry
Stem cell, regeneration and patterning in plants
Associate Professor
Epigenetics and Transcriptional Control in Plasmodium
Professor and Associate Dean (International Relations and Outreach)
Chromosome biology in development and disease
Professor (Currently on Deputation to NCBS Bengaluru)
Evolution of appendage forms, functional genomics, drug discovery
Bioinformatics and Structure
Associate Professor
DNA damage and cell cycle, 3D studies of breast cancer progression
Assistant Professor
Meiotic recombination and chromosomal segregation in yeast and mammals
Associate Professor and Dean (Student and Campus Activities)
Cell Biology: cell adhesion, trafficking, cell migration and growth
Assistant Professor
Evolution and Genetics of Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria
Associate Professor
Neural circuits and behaviour; Olfaction
Associate Professor
Mathematical biology: physiology and type 2 diabetes. Data science and predictive modeling for healthcare and precision (personalized) medicine
Assistant Professor
Neural mechanisms underlying movement initiation in songbirds
Professor (currently on deputation to Department of Biotechnology, Government of India)
Associate Professor
Active galaxies, galaxy cluster radio sources, high redshift Universe, imaging techniques; Biodiversity research & conservation
Professor and Chair, Biology
Cell Biology of development and differentiation: Membrane trafficking and polarity
Assistant Professor
Chemical and molecular ecology of multitrophic interactions involving plant, herbivore and its natural enemies
Professor and Dean (Student and Campus Activities)
Structural biology
Associate Professor
Chemical biology, metabolomics, chemoproteomics, lipid metabolism, protein biochemistry
Origins of life
Associate Professor
Biophysical models of synaptic plasticity in health and disease
Associate Professor
Cell Cycle Control and Differentiation in Bacteria, Antimicrobial Resistance
Population dynamics, life-history evolution, simulations, Drosophila melanogaster
Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics, Vesicular Transport