Aparna Deshpande
Assistant Professor
Understanding 2D materials at the atomic scale
Assistant Professor
Understanding 2D materials at the atomic scale
Statistical physics, soft condensed matter, phase transitions, microfluidics
Complex and dynamical systems, biophysics, pattern formation
Assistant Professor
Cosmology, Structure Formation in the Universe
Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Academics, Graduate Studies)
Theoretical High Energy Physics
Assistant Professor
Experimental condensed matter physics, 2D materials, layered semiconductors, magneto-optics, high magnetic fields, quantum materials and devices, magnetism at the nanoscale, semiconductors and their nanostructures, low-dimensional physics
Associate Professor
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Nanomagnets & Spintronics, Carbon nanotubes, 2D-Material
Associate Professor and Deputy Chair, Physics
Quantum transport in nanoelectronic devices, applications of quasi-1D and 2D materials and their heterostructures for energy harvesting and sensing, self-assembly based nanopatterning, nanofabrication
Professor and Dean (Planning and Communications)
Atomic collisions, molecular fragmentation, photochemistry of heterogeneous phases, Auger electron spectroscopy
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology
Quantum computing, quantum chaos, nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics and complexity
Electronic structure theory, 2D Materials, Functional defects, Magnetism, Superconductivity, and Catalyst design
Nanophotonics, Soft-matter physics and Light Scattering
Plasma astrophysics, solar physics and black hole accretion
Associate Professor
Atomistic modeling of materials
Associate Professor
Active galaxies, galaxy cluster radio sources, high redshift Universe, imaging techniques; Biodiversity research & conservation
Associate Professor
Quantum Optics, Atom Optics, Condensed Matter Physics
Associate Professor
String Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Gravity, Fluid Dynamics, Conformal Bootstarp, Gauge/Gravity Duality
Professor and Rahul Bajaj Chair Professor
Experimental High Energy Physics
Nanotechnology, atomic force microscopy and single molecular interactions
Associate Professor
Semiconductor physics, optical spectroscopy, electronic defects, nanostuctures, optoelectronics
Experimental High Energy Physics
Associate Professor
Theoretical condensed matter physics - strongly correlated systems, quantum Hall effects, frustrated systems
Theoretical Particle Physics
Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Academics, Doctoral Studies)
Gravitation, mathematical physics
Strongly correlated electron systems
Assistant Professor
Quantum Materials
Assistant Professor
Cosmology & Astrophysics, Dark Matter Halos and Structure Formation
Professor and Chair, Physics
NMR spectroscopy, quantum information, optimal control and artificial intelligence
Atomic physics and precision spectroscopy, quantum optics and quantum information processing, biosensors
Associate Professor
Soft condensed matter, Glasses, Active matter, Colloids